Ntale Hilfsorganisation annual visits to prisons

As an act of service, our organisation has dedicated it’s time into reaching out to all vulnerable members of our communities without discrimination.

From statistics, 57% of Prisons in Uganda do not have access to safe water, good health and food.

This has led to increased deaths in prisons attributed to poor nutrition and hygiene with no clear laid out plan of solutions by the concerned authorities.

For this reason, our organisation has made an effort to implement 50% of the solutions for a better health of all prisoners.

We have so far reached out to 20 prisons in Uganda providing safe water and food material including rice, posho, beans and matoke to help in the feeding of these individuals.

Our annual plan is to reach out to 80% of all prisons in Africa for a better health of all individuals.

Help and contribution inform of donations towards the fulfillment of this project are highly welcome.


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